DNS4all info

Key Value


DNS4all is our experimental public DNS resolver. You can read more about it on our main page. The page you are looking at right now is intended to provide debugging information.

Our service consists of a global network of frontends, distributed over the globe by means of BGP anycast. This page will show you the identifier of the (anycast) frontend where your DNS queries enter the DNS4all network [1], when you use it. It depends on where you are on the globe where your DNS query comes in (although quirks in the BGP routing can sometimes produce unexpected, illogical results).

The resolver service supports DNS-over-HTTP(3), DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-QUIC and plain old DNS over UDP and TCP. The page shows what protocol you use for your DNS queries, based on a couple of test queries.

Backend and Source
Your queries are processed by so called backends. DNS4all has a number of them, distributed globally. This page shows the identifier of the backend where your query was processed. I.e. where your query left the DNS4all network towards authoritative servers.

It also shows it's (unicast) source IP address, or if DNS4all is not used, the source IP address of the resolver that was used instead.

DNS or DNS64
Finally, DNS4all supports DNS64 and this page shows if you make use of that, or not (assuming you use the DNS4all service).

Most fields are associated with DNS4all and will show 'n/a' if you don't make use of DNS4all, but are using another resolver service instead.

Prefer a command line option?
It is also possible to use this test on the command line, for instance with this command: dig +short TXT debug.information.dns4all.eu
The command line version shows some additional information, when applicable, such as UDP buffer size, ECS information and TLS information.


Q: How do I configure DNS4all so I can use it?

A: This is explained on our main page.


Q: I'm in Amsterdam, using DNS4all, and my frontend is: BOM1-1 and the backend is: SIN1, which suggest faraway locations, whereas I would have expected to end up on nodes nearby - what's wrong?

A: One reason could be that the nearby nodes are down (for maintenance), but it is also possible that the so called 'BGP catchment' is suboptimal. There are many reasons why this could happen and improving the routing can be tricky sometimes. This is precisely why we deploy this experimental environment; to learn and to better understand how BGP anycast works and how it can be improved. And yes, you are part of that experiment ;-) .


Q: I do not trust the outcome of this test page - what should I do?

A: There's a number of things that can go wrong, resulting in incorrect results. It's best to reload the page a couple of times to see if things improve. Check the included timestamp to verify if the page was indeed refreshed.

An experiment by SIDN Labs (and work in progress).